Monday, September 15, 2003
Truth and Ritual
The beauty of truth is that it's true whether we agree with it or not. Likewise, the beauty of our Lord's rituals: they enact truth whether we like it or not - whether we like them or not. Our beliefs don't affect what is ontologically true, and in that sense, teleologically, they don't matter. There is an important sense in which it doesn't matter who's right in any given theological debate. "God is in His heaven - All's right with the world." Call me a liberal, and I'll tell you to read Lindbeck on postliberalism.
However, our rituals do matter, because they speak of Him who is ontologically true and who reigns over teleology. As the proverbial saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Or, in the words of James, we are "justified by works and not by faith alone" (for context, see 2:14-26). Again, actions - rituals - matter. Call me a sacerdotalist, and I'll tell you to read Leithart against sacraments; and, to complete the circle, you can start by reading Leithart on Lindbeck.
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