Tuesday, June 7, 2005
"Sundays in the Country"
Take a few minutes to read the cover article from the previous issue of Touchstone (May 2005). I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did. Here's a quote:
Historically, the church has benefited from the stabilizing influence of two common denominators. The first and most important is a shared faith in Jesus Christ and a submission to Scripture. The second has always been that of geography. And another:
In fact, being small and located in an isolated rural community can make a church valuable to the wider Church. For one thing, such a church has a history. [...] Most of the people on any given Sunday are related somehow to someone who was in attendance 150 years ago. I don't think anything the author says is necessarily unique to country or rural churches - his words can be applied to little local churches anywhere. Having grown up in a small city in a neighborhood church that was a close-knit community, I think there's a lot of insight in the author's take on the value of smaller local churches. I long to be part of one again.
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