Saturday, October 22, 2005
Reformed Church Statistics
Dale Courtney recently compiled a list of Conservative Presbyterian & Reformed Denominations by number of congregations. I was surprised at how relatively many congregations there are in the PCA.
As with any list like this, there's something for everyone to quibble with. For instance, an Associate Reformed Presbyterian pastor points out that there are actually 262 ARP churches, according to the minutes of their 2005 synod (see page 9 of the pdf).
Also, a few of the listings don't seem to fit the heading, e.g. the Reformed Episcopal Church and the Anglican Mission in America (not Presbyterian and not all Reformed, at least not "Reformed" in the way most churches use the term) and the Confessing Church Movement within the PCUSA (only part of a denomination). Still, this could be seen as a problem with the heading and not the list itself; I, for one, am glad to see these groups included.
At least one member of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC) seems to have been overlooked: the Korean American Presbyterian Church. Another omission is the Evangelical Reformed Presbyterian Church, a new micro-Presbyterian denomination formed in response to "Shepherdism, Federal Vision Theology, and the New Perspective on Paul."
Quibbles aside, it's an interesting (albeit sad) list.
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