Thursday, August 23, 2007
In case anyone's curious about Ellie's middle name, a big part of the inspiration for it, at least on my part, was the hymn tune, BRYN CALFARIA, which is Welsh for the hill (bryn) of Calvary (Calfaria). As it happens, I've mostly sung Psalm 80 (mp3 sample - I especially like the lines near the middle of this sample: "God, we pray, O, turn us, bring us back; make your face shine and we are saved") and one or two other hymns to the tune rather than "Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor" (as good a hymn as it may be) - probably due to the fact that I grew up in church music tradition that was more Scottish than English. Of course there's also Bryn Mawr, which I'm sure is a great school, but we're not trying to sound "Ivy League" (or, technically, "Seven Sistersish"). We just like the name, and I've always liked the tune. I have a thing for minor keys, y'know. But I'm rambling and should probably get back to the hospital.
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